01 02 03 awake & free: Putting together your own prayer journal {Brooke} 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Putting together your own prayer journal {Brooke}

One of the very best things I have done in the past couple years is start a prayer journal/outline.  I used to be SO very overwhelmed with all the things I wanted to pray for that I just didn't pray.  This simple guide (inspired by my friend Colleen Fraser) has truly helped my prayer life to bloom & I am so thankful.

 Here is a very simple overview of how to start and maintain your prayer journal: Your prayer journal really only needs to include 8 pages but can include way more if you want to write out your prayers:
1. Pick out a journal or set aside a section of your already existing journal.  I use a simple Moleskine journal and love it.

2.  Write out the things you want to cover in prayer every single day.  For me this page includes Brian, future family things, myself {that I would walk in the Spirit, be obedient, be productive, & faith filled, etc etc}, my dad, and Brian's family.  Your everyday page can include anything your heart desires.  I also have specific scriptures or requests for each person.

3. Write Monday- Sunday on the next 7 pages( Monday at the top of one page, Tuesday at the top of the next and on and on). Think through what you want your 7 categories to be.  These are things you want to make sure you are praying for weekly.  For me the categories are:

Monday: dear friends. I have their names listed out and their kids names.
Tuesday: our amazing ministry supporters.  
Wednesday: Our staff team past and present & our Tidewater campuses.
Thursday: every girl I have ever met with for discipleship (see this.)
Friday: for the people in my life that don't yet know Jesus
Saturday: the future ministry dreams we have//RVA expansion
Sunday: personal dreams that Brian and I have.

**With each category I have specific things I pray for each day: For example Wednesday: the staff team--I pray for each of us by name and pray that we would: be men and women of the Word, that we would walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, that our marriages would be fun and full of grace, that we would pursue holiness, that we would be prayerful people, that we would be stunned by God's love for us, etc etc. 

I keep an index card paper clipped in my journal for shorter term extra requests that pop up throughout life.  Like friends missions trips, surgeries, etc etc.  

Organizing my prayer life has really helped me apply Colossians 4:2, Devote yourselves to prayer being watchful & thankful.

HUGE DISCLAIMER: 1. I am not perfect at keeping up with this everyday.  It's a fight to slow down and pray but so so worth it.  2. This is just to help with intercession and supplication-- don't forget to praise God, thank God, and confess. 

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